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Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Nikola Tesla: Five weird and funny facts about the eccentric genius

Nikola Tesla Five weird and funny data about the eccentric genius 


When we talk about scientists, names like Newton, Einstein, Galileo are mentioned enough snappily. These scientists are after all, some of the most notorious names in the scientific world due to their irreplaceable donation to wisdom. But do you know that there was a scientist who was called' smartest man alive' by Albert Einstein himself? similar was the genius of Nikola Tesla that it impressed indeed the uncrowned king of wisdom himself. 


Then are some intriguing data about Nikola Tesla, the creator of Tesla coil and innovator of technology that runs ultramodern smartphones 


1. Nikola Tesla was born during a lightning storm 

It's relatively befitting that Tesla, the man whose exploration revolved around electricity was born during a lightning storm. Tesla was born around night between July 9 and July 10, 1856 in the Austrian conglomerate. Legend has it that the midwife who was aiding Tesla's mama openly declared that the lightning was a bad auspice and that Tesla would be child of darkness. On this, his mama said," No, he'll be child of the light" 


2. Tesla worked for Thomas Edison, and latterly came his contender 

Thomas Edison was a fat American innovator. After Nikola Tesla arrived in the US, he worked as an adjunct to Edison. still, he quit latterly to pursue his own design. Edison worked on direct current while Tesla worked on interspersing current. This leveled both of them on either sides of' current war'. 


Though they were challengers, they weren't adversaries. There was collective respect. formerly when Edison attended a speech given by Tesla, the ultimate led the followership in giving a standing acclamation to Edison. 

When there were fires at Tesla's lab. Edison arranged for a lab for Tesla to pursue his work. 


3. Tesla developed the idea for smartphone technology 

Tesla was ahead of his time. formerly, he pitched an idea to his funder JP Morgan that involved garbling dispatches and broadcasting each of them on a specific frequence which also be entered in a handheld device. The idea was necessary in after exploration to develop smartphones. 


4. Tesla spooked Mark Twain 


Residers living near Tesla's laboratory frequently said that he'd an' earthquake machine' that could shake the entire block. The machine was actually a high- frequence oscillator. Tesla formerly invited Mark Twain, the notorious pen, to his lab and made him stand on a platform that was connected with the oscillator. 


Mark Twain had digestive problems. The platform shook so violently that it spooked Twain into jumping off it and running for restroom installations. 

5. Tesla abominated plums. Like Really! 


Tesla was known to be an eccentric genius. He abominated plums for some reason. His hate was so strong that he refused to talk with women who wore plums. His clerk came to the lab wearing plums one day. Tesla transferred her home.

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