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Friday, 15 May 2020

Farmers will get many benefits from Kisan Credit Card, how to apply?

Farmers will get many benefits from Kisan Credit Card, how to apply?

Farmers will get many benefits from Kisan Credit Card, how to apply?

New Delhi: Announcing the second installment of the Rs 20 lakh crore package to bail out the economy, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has also made a big announcement for farmers. In which 2.5 crore farmers of the country will be provided credit cards in the coming days. It has been decided to allocate up to Rs 2 lakh crore for this.

The finance minister said the facility would be extended to farmers as well as cattle breeders and fishermen in addition to agriculture-based work. They will be given this relief through Kisan Credit Card.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that along with this, a package of Rs 30,000 crore has been brought for small and marginal farmers. This amount will be given to the state governments. Which will benefit the farmers. Between March 1 and April 30, 63 lakh such loans have been sanctioned. Rs 86,600 crore has been allocated for this loan. NABARD has been given an amount of Rs 29,000 crore. So that banks can be funded at the village level. All of this work is being done during the lockdown that has been implemented to combat the Corona crisis. Rs 6,700 crore has been provided to farmers from the states.

In addition, the loan repayment period of Rs 4 lakh crore allotted to farmers on credit has been extended till May 31. With the extension of the term, the facility of rebate on interest paid to farmers on time will also remain the same. So far 9.13 lakh crore farmers in the country have joined the PM Kisan Yojana. On February 14, the Modi government announced the provision of Kisan Credit Card facility to all the beneficiaries involved in the scheme.

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How to apply for Kisan Credit Card?

What if you are also a beneficiary of PM Kisan Yojana and have not yet got your Kisan Credit Card? So this can be applied very easily. For this you need PM Kisan Yojana website

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Here you have to download the form by clicking on KCC Form Download.

In which you have to hand over the required information and documents to the bank after attaching.

Where the card will be issued to you within 2 to 3 days after the verification process.

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