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Saturday 9 June 2018

Engineering and Pharmacy Admission process programs out

Engineering and Pharmacy Admission process programs out

  • Emerging technologies have been the subject of much debate in academic research and a central topic in policy discussions and initiatives. Evidence of the increasing attention being paid to the phenomenon of emerging technologies can be found in the growing number of publications dealing with the topic and news articles mentioning emerging technologies (in their headlines or lead paragraphs), as depicted in Figure 1. Increasing policy interest in emerging technologies, however, must be set against a literature where no consensus has emerged as to what qualifies a technology to be emergent.
  • Definitions proposed by a number of studies overlap, but also point to deferent characteristics. For example, certain definitions emphasize the potential impact emerging technologies are capable of exerting on the economy and society. These problems in the report to understand emerging technologies limit the utility of the research and so may hamper resource allocation and the development of regulations, which, in turn, have a major role in supporting and shaping the directionality of technological emergence.
  • While walking in the streets of any town or city you might have seen some signboards on buildings with names-Canada Bank, Punjab National Bank, State Bank of India, United Commercial Bank, etc. What do these names stand for? Did you ever try to know about them? If you enter any such building you will find some kind of a business office. You will see some employees sitting behind counters dealing with visitors standing in front of them. You will find that some are depositing money at one counter while some are receiving money at another counter. Behind the counters in the office you will see tables and chairs occupied by officers.
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