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Wednesday, 6 December 2017

What’s The RBI’s Note About The New Note, Read Soon

What’s The RBI’s Note About The New Note, Read Soon

What’s the RBI’s note about the new note, read soon

The government had been banned by the government for bringing black money and blackmail and illegal evasion, but due to the non-ban, small people had to suffer a lot. There was a lot of problems in the market due to the fact that not getting enough 2000 notes and other notes.

A new information came up after the incident. According to the latest information, the government has now ordered the not to print any further 2000 note.

It is to be mentioned that this time the points have been issued to all the banks of the country. According to this directive, people will get a small note in the banks for three months as the RBI has stopped printing of 2000 notes. The RBI official said that the decision has been taken by the government because 2000 notes are continuously falling in the country.

An attempt was made to remove black money through the notices. Let us tell you that the next focus of India’s Reserve Bank of India is on a small note. For this reason, now 2000 note will not be printed in this current financial year.

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