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Thursday, 23 November 2017

UC Browser is Back on Google Play

UC Browser is Back on Google Play

UC Browser is Back on Google Play :

The famous UC Browser is back to Google PlayStore. According to the company, it has released a new version of UC Browser on Google PlayStore. Let us know that a few days ago Google had removed the UC Browser from Playstore because of breaking the rules. UC Browser belongs to China's Alibaba Company. The company said that the new browser has been modified according to Google's rules. Recently, the Government of India noticed in the scanning that UC Browser is transferring the data of the AAP user to the remote server located in China. It was also said that the server used that data after the data was deleted from the phone.

UC Browser recently announced that its app has downloaded 50 million users. According to Internet Trends Report 2017 by Cleaner Perkins, UC Browser is ranked sixth in the list of most downloaded apps in India.

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