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Tuesday 17 October 2017

If The Phone Comes To Link The Support Card, Be Aware That Millions Of Lime May Appear

If The Phone Comes To Link The Support Card, Be Aware That Millions Of Lime May Appear

If the phone comes to link the support card, be aware that millions of lime may appear

For the last few years, if people of the country are giving the highest importance to the work, then the link is to be linked. Sometimes we link the base card to a PAN card, sometimes with a bank account. It is compulsory to link the phone number to the base card. Compositions have also been increasing with changing rules in running-out life. If the last date is approaching, then it is not understandable when to do it, who and how to link. Some people live in the chaos of taking advantage of this confusion and scolding, and the same victim became the victim of eternal deceit in Mumbai.

Eternal works in Kozhikode, a private company in Kerala. He got a phone call. A person calling the person asked him to link the Aadhaar card to the phone number and he was caught cheating Rs 1.30 lakh.

He has given a post on Facebook and has told Theheal with this verse. According to him somebody called him saying that he is speaking from Airtel and if his phone number is not linked to the base, Airtel will disconnect his SIM and will always block the number. Not only this, Frod asked him to send an SMS to his official SIM card number 121 (official official number of Airtel) so that he could reactivate the SIM. Ever told the caller that he did not know about all this. Then the caller gave a number to the eternal. She had sent her SIM card to number one without knowing anything and her SIM card was deactivated in just a few minutes. Let us tell you that the number the fraudster sent was used to get the duplicate SIM for canceling the old SIM.

He did everything that the deceiver wanted to bring to him. Seeing it, he blew his money from his salary account. Ever had saved this money for a long time. By collecting information of his own SIMI, he was so damned that he suffered a loss of Rs.1,30,000. Ever sincerely earned money, but all went on.

This is eternal Facebook post:

<iframe src = "" width = " 500 "height =" 294 "style =" border: none; overflow: hidden "scrolling =" no "frameborder =" 0 "allowTransparency =" true "> </ iframe>

After the post of the eternal, he received this reply from the bank:

We should all learn from this episode. We all asked to link the base card to the phone, if such phones were coming in the coming days. It is necessary that we should take caution and understand anything - we should not give any information without thinking.

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