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Monday, 31 December 2018
Ma Amrutam Yojana Mate Hospitani List In Gujarat State Pdf Download.

TRAI TV Channel Free Channel List
TRAI TV Channel Free Channel List
TRAI TV Channel Out of 873 channels, more than 500 TV channels are provided by broadcasters on a free-to-air basis. The new framework provides the channels that are provided on a free-to-air (FTA) basis by broadcasters cannot be priced by the distributors. In the previous regime, various distributors (Multi-System Operators/ DTH Service Providers/ HITS or IPTV service providers) were pricing FTA channels.
TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) declares new rules for cable and DTH operators, it will be affordable to watch TV now. Until now, the cable and DTH operators were unnecessarily robbing unnecessary channels in your channel package, as if you were planning 300 rupees per month, there would be 50-60% of the channels that you do not even see and do not even understand ( Channel with other regional languages). Thus, you have collected overwhelming 50-60% channel prices, which you do not even see.::
TRAI had taken such a revolutionary decision in the telecom sector before taking this historic decision in cable and DTH, which gave the exchange of 1 GB internet data Rs. 150 four years ago. Today, the 3G speed was getting 1 GB internet data 5 Rs. With 4G Speed and also with Unlimited Calling and Message TRAI also benefited customers in the telecom sector by making strict rules and simple, transparent business. After the new rules in the cable and DTH, things have been flowing out that watching TV will be costly, which is totally wrong. Some people make the decision of TRAI's decision to benefit companies, but the fact is that after the new rule of TRAI, Manaramji has lost his company. Cable and DTH companies are protesting and striking against TRAI only to show that the new rule of TRAI is in favor of companies or in favor of companies!
According to the new rules, what is the date of package selection?
● By 31 January the package will have to be selected
● Almost all the cable and DTH operators will now announce their plans
● You can select a plan through operators' website or customer care
Some things to keep in mind when planning a plan
● Select the same plan / channel that you like
● Cable and DTH operators will confuse you to sell their plans but you will be steadfast in your choice rather than buying unnecessary channels so that there is no unnecessary expenditure
● If you see only 20-25 favorite channels, pay only the price of the same favorite channels, rather than taking the package (this price will be cheaper than the package, if the price of most channels decreases)
How can you see TV in free?
● If you have broadband in your home / office and are smart / Android TV then you can watch all the channels through the internet free
● Even if the TV does not have a smart TV, then buy a Android box from the market can make a smart TV (Android box Mi, a company like AMAZON also gets)
● If you have a Geo Phone and TV is too old you can watch TV in Geo TV app by connecting to the TV by taking Geo Media cable.
How much did the channels cut their prices?
● Times Network has reduced the price of 10 of its channels to 40%
● Zee Network has also reduced prices of some of its channels to 10 paisa / month
● TV18, Viacom and ATIn are also priced at 23 channels
● The Sony Network has also reduced their prices to Rs 31 / month, with all the channels in the Sony Network coming up
Saturday, 29 December 2018
The Goods Sold In The Shop Are Genuine Or Fake, Only One SMS Will Be Able To Know
The Goods Sold In The Shop Are Genuine Or Fake, Only One SMS Will Be Able To Know
NEW DELHI: Whenever you go to the store to buy any goods, how do you know if this is real or fake? However now you can easily do this work. America’s company Pharmacisere has taken this initiative into several countries including India. For this, the company has tied up with many companies.
Pharmacisere is a genuine product by SMS that the facility for getting duplicate information was started for medicines. However, the company has also started service for goods, electronic and butetted products used in everyday life. For this, the company has created a separate unit productive.
Pharmaccioure said that you can get product information through SMS only. Also, it can be known by placing the barcode of the product on the mobile app. Apart from this, the option to check whether the product is genuine or fake is also available on the website.
The number of counterfeit products worldwide, including India, is increasing, said Nukul Pasriracha, chairman and chief physicist. Its effect is not only on the brand’s credibility but also on the company’s income. He said that due to the nasal products, the government also suffered millions of rupees. Also, these counterfeit products harm user’s health.
He said that we are contacting companies to give information about this. A special code is placed on each sale of the company’s product. It also mentions the number of sales, expiry date and phone number.
Fixpay Breaking News : Fix Nokari Salang ganva babat
High Court of Gujarat Legal Assistant List of Eligible Candidates for Written Test 2019
State Examination Board (SEB) Gujarat, Head Teacher Aptitude Test (HTAT) 2017 Analysis
State Examination Board (SEB) Gujarat, Head Teacher Aptitude Test (HTAT) 2017 Analysis
State Examination Board (SEB) Gujarat, Head Teacher Aptitude Test (HTAT) 2017 Analysis
vidhyashakti is a current affairs and general knowledge weekly. current affairs is a very important thing in the gujarati competitive exam. If you have good current affair's knowledge, you will get its benefit in Gujarat government exam, central government exam, and other competitive exam. Current affairs includes Gujarat, India and world events and issues from the field such as politics, geography, economy, history, science, Defence,sports, foreign policy etc. you will get this all types of current affairs and general knowledge in Gujarati current affairs and general knowledge weekly vidhyashakti.
HTAT 2017 Analysis: Click Here
People always wonder how and when they shoud write an assigned paper for one of their classes. Personally I think the best papers are the ones that are written the night before they are due.
In high school, students are required to write several papers throughout the year, and eventually you will learn how both you and your teacher operate when it comes to papers. By this I mean, if you know your teacher will give you an "A" for a 3 page paper full of quotes, or a teacher who will write you rough draft for you, then you have learned how they "operate". After you know how your teacher operates, then it's time to figure out how you operate. Some people write their best papers on the night they are assigned, so that way they have plenty of time to revise them. Then there are those who write half of their paper a week in advance and write the other half a few days prior to the due date. But personally I believe my best papers are the ones I write the night before they are due. And in some cases the moring they are due.
The next time you are in your english class and your teacher tells you have a have a paper due on the novel you've just read, don't sweat it. Most teachers won't give you any other homework for the next week or so, in order to give you plenty of time to work on your paper, but my advice is 'don't use that time to work on your paper'. Relax, and work on the homework you have that's due the following day. Remember, you have a week to do the paper for a reason.
For the rest of the week, while your teacher is having a class discusion on the novel, it's okay to sleep and doze off a little bit. Every day you'll wake up when the bell rings and realize that you only wrote about 3 lines worth of notes and you won't think twice about.
Friday, 28 December 2018
CBSE CTET Answer Key & OMR Sheet 2018
MRP Of Pay Channels , Offered By Broadcasters To Subscriber As Reported To TRAI
Thursday, 27 December 2018
Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) Chief Officer Answer key 2018

Police Constable Previous Exam Paper And Model Paper Set
GSSSB Social Welfare Inspector & Assistant Social Welfare Officer Result Declared 2018
Urban Health Society Surat Recruitment For Pharmacist Cum Data Assistant & Female Health Worker Posts 2018
NHM Devbhumi Dwarka Recruitment For Data Entry Operator, Program Assistant & Other Posts 2018
New Civil Hospital Surat Recruitment For Staff Nurse, Lab Technician & Other Posts 2018
Wednesday, 26 December 2018
Rajkot Rajpath Limited Recruitment For Chief Finance Officer Post 2018
Rajkot Rajpath Limited Recruitment For Chief Finance Officer Post 2018
Rajkot Rajpath Limited has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2018. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
Posts:Chief Finance Officer
Total No. of Posts: 01
Educational Qualification: Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant or MBA (Finance) from reputed Institute. Minimum Five (05) years of relevant experience Banking/Finance/Accounting of middle or higher level management of Limited or Pulblic Limited company.
Age Limit: 35 years
Remuneration: Rs. 50,000/- per month
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application & necessary documents to a given address in the advertisement.
Last Date: 04-01-2019
GVK EMRI Recruitment For Various Posts 2018
(GSCSCL) Recruitment For 137 Posts

Download Gujarat Rojgar Samachar 2018 E-Paper Date : 26/12/2018.
School-college buses can not travel from 11 to 6 in the night: the government's decision

NIACL Recruitment 2018-19 Notification 312 Administrative Officer Posts apply online
Lakshmi Vilas Bank Recruitment 2018-19 Notification Probationary Officer Post apply online at www.lvbank.com Last Date : 30.12.2018
Eklavya Model Residential School Admission Notification 2019
Tuesday, 25 December 2018
Gujarat Agriculture University Vacancy For Clerks - 257 Post - 2018
In The Scarcity Of Talukas The Farmer Gets Rs. 6000 Input Subsidy To Be Paid CM Vijay Rupani
In The Scarcity Of Talukas The Farmer Gets Rs. 6000 Input Subsidy To Be Paid CM Vijay Rupani
In The Scarcity Of Talukas The Farmer Gets Rs. 6000 Input Subsidy To Be Paid CM Vijay Rupani
Education All Circulars of Districts And Niyamak kacheri Gandhinagar,all Primary, Secondary and Higer Secondary Department. we also uploads various Job Updates of various government & Non-Government Sector from all over india. This blog is daily update about primery school letest circular , Educational news paper news, Breking news , all Goverment and private job ,Letest Techno tips, Insurance, Loans , Letest Mobile tips and all Competitive exam most imp gk, model paper, exam old paper, model paper in mp3 and most imp gk mp3 exam materials... Like Tet,Tat,Htat,Police constable bharti, Gsssb Clerk, Talati, and other exams, This blog You Can find Lots of Study Materials for All Competitive Exams Preaparation Like Tet,Tat,Htat,Gsssb Police Constable, Talati, junior clerk Exams This Education News Cutting From Gujarat Various Popular Newspaper Like Navgujarat Samay,Divya Bhaskar, Sandesh, Gujarat Samachar, Akila News And Many Other Newspaper.
Booth Level Officer; A Representative of Election Commission at the Grass-Root Level
For enhanced participation of electors in the electoral process and reducing the electoral malpractices, it is essential to improve the quality of electoral registration process and of the electoral rolls. Booth Level Officer (BLO) is a local Government/Semi-Government official, familiar with the local electors and generally a voter in the same polling area who assists in updating the roll using his local knowledge. In fact, BLO is a representative of Election Commission of India (ECI) at the grass-root level who plays a pivotal role in the process of roll revision and collecting actual field information with regard to the roll corresponding to the polling area assigned to him.
Under Section 13B (2) of Representation of People Act, 1950, BLOs are appointed from amongst the officers of the Govt. /Semi Govt. /Local Bodies. Generally, one BLO is responsible for one part of the electoral roll. From August, 2006 the Commission has decided to introduce the concept of appointing BLOs who would be accountable for ensuring the fidelity of electoral roll.+
The ECI introduced this new system of appointing BLOs creating a clear line of accountability for preparation of an error-free electoral roll, making the BLOs its custodian at the polling booth level. Previously, voter-identification slips used to be distributed by the contesting candidates of various political parties and that gave scope for complaints. The preparation of accurate electoral rolls and direct distribution of voter identification slip by the BLOs also boosted voter confidence in the credibility of the election process.
BLO assists eligible citizens to become voters and obtain voter card. BLO provides those different forms for addition, deletion and correction of Electoral Roll entries, carries out physical verification, and gives his/her report to Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) .The BLO interacts with local people/ political parties’ representatives and identifies dead/shifted/duplicate voters to be removed from the electoral roll after due process of law. Must visit this blog everyday for latest offers of various brand and other technology Updates
Click here to read news
Monday, 24 December 2018
GSSSB Binsachivalay clerk Exam Old paper With Answer Key 2016
Panchayat Talati 40 Model Paper 2018 Free Download
Panchayat Talati 40 Model Paper 2018 Free Download
Panchayat Talati Model Paper 2018 Free Download
Talati Model Paper 2018 online for free at OJAS Gujarat. Get solved Model paper for Panchayat Talati, Junior Clerk & Other Class-3 exam. Model question papers help candidates identify the important and frequently asked questions and give them a good practice for their aptitude and knowledge.
How Model papers help students?
Practice makes the work successful; The candidates also have to practice very well for the success of the exam. Here are some model papers for preparation of exam which will be very useful in preparing you for the exam. By reading these papers, students also realize the familiarity in sample papers. So, students can really understand what not to ignore and which to select.
Talati Model Paper 2018
Talati Model Paper 2018
Sunday, 23 December 2018
SEB GUJARAT Nmms Exam paper year 2018 pdf ||NMMS Paper Solution
SEB GUJARAT Nmms Exam paper year 2018 pdf ||NMMS Paper Solution
Download : SEB GUJARAT Nmms Exam paper year 2018 pdf Download :|| NMMS Paper Solution
Gujarat State Examination Board Has PublishedNotification For National Means Cum MeritScholarship Scheme(NMMS) exam 2018 for Standard 8th Students. Full details About Registration And Exam Pattern are as given below. Are You looking for NMMS exam previous year exam papers...?
SEB GUJARAT Nmms Exam old paper year 2018 pdf Download
Summery of NMMS exam notification 2018 :
Exam Name : National Means Cum MeritScholarship Scheme(NMMS) 2018.Organization : GSEB.
Qualifications : Students must Have been Studying in Standard 8th
Exam Date : 23-12-2018
state examination board Gandhinagar dvara levama aavti NMMS exam nu 2018 ma levayel paper Download karo.
School na students ane temne taiyari karavta Teachers mate khash upyogi tatha competitive exams mate pan upyogi.
SEB GUJARAT Nmms Exam old paper year 2018 pdf Download[/caption]
NMMS Gujarat 2018 Paper Pattern
The important information related to the paper pattern is mentioned below for the reference of the applicants:
NMMS Exam syllabus/Exam pattern 2018
In offline mode the official authority will conduct the entrance exam one session which will include two parts as mention below:Part 1: MAT (Mental Ability Test)Part 2: SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test).The question paper of the entrance exam will consist of Objective type questions will be asked.The question paper of the entrance exam will consist of 90 questions of 90 marks in total.One hour thirty minutes will be provided to the applicants to solve the paper.In the entrance exam, there are no negative markings and one mark will be awarded to the applicants for each correct answer.The details of the paper pattern are mention below in the table for the reference of the applicants:
Papers 90 questions
Test 90 marks
No of questions 90 questions
No of marks
Duration of the exam 90 minutes
Paper I
MAT – Mental Ability Test
Exam date 23-12-2018
Download paper 2018 || Solution
RPF Railway Recruitment For 798 Posts 2019

GSRTC Clerk, Traffic Controller & Other Posts Provisional Merit List 2018
GPSC Chief Officer OMR Sheet 2018
Jasdan Assembly Election Result Live
Gujarat ST Vibhag Khali Jagya Babte News Report
Saturday, 22 December 2018
GST Council cuts rates on TVs, movie tickets; cement, ACs left untouched : News Date 22-12-2018

Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) Chief Officer Question Paper 2018
GSRTC Selection List For O.M.R. Exam For Various Posts ::: Cut Of Marks

Friday, 21 December 2018
Vidyasahayak Bharti 2018 Second Round City off & Call Letter Declared