Police Constable Bharati 2016/17:SRPF Constable 4th Waiting List Declared
Police Constable Bharati 2016/17:SRPF Constable 4th Waiting List Declared
Gujarat Police Recruitment Board has published an Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2018. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, here put the model paper of police it’s most use ful in police exam it is perfect to with all syllabus of police exam it was made by a.k.parmar if any quarry please contact us for paper
Gujarat Lokrakshak Jail Sipahi Bharti Exam 2016 Results at www.lrb2016.org
The Gujarat Police formed in the year of 1960 on 01st May and headquartered at Gandhinagar, the state capital. It is a local civilian police and law enforcement agency of the state. It headed by Director General of Police (DGP). The State Government is a governing body of this agency. It has some branches for Crime, Anti-Terrorist squad (ATS) and the Intelligence wing. They are the first to crack the serial bomb blast mystery during 2007-08. There are total seven regions that come under this department. They are Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, Junagadh, Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot, and Border range. Further, it is divided into 26 districts for administration of the state. Every annual, more than ten thousand candidates apply for the jobs release by this department. To fill up vacant posts, they issue employment news update through job notification by uploading to the OJAS site. In July just a few months back, a direct recruitment notification LRB/201617/1 released for filling up 17532 Group-3 posts. This opportunity utilized by a huge number of job seeker by submitting the online applications before a closing date. All the applicants have given written test and now want Gujarat Jail Sipahi Result link at the official website.
Gujarat Police Constable Result 2016 – 2017 Check Online at www.lrb2016.org & ojas.gujarat.gov.in
Now after attempt Gujarat Police Constable Exam, all are worried about their Gujarat Police Constable Result 2016 and also have question in mind that, what will be the minimum qualification marks to get shortlisted for Physical Efficiency Test. Here we would love to share Gujarat Police Constable Cut off Marks. Candidates who will obtain at least 40% (40 marks) in written exam will consider for Physical Efficiency Test (PET). Later, shortlisted candidates will be called for PET by Gujarat Police Department. Admit Card for PET will also be uploaded on ojas.gujarat.gov.in.
gujarat police constable cut off marks 2016
This Examination was held on 23th October 2016 successfully across the Gujarat State . If you are here for the Gujarat Police Constable Result 2016 Date , then this is right article . The Gujarat Police Bharti Board had conducted the Police Constable online Examination in October month . After the successful exam All the candidates are searching for results on the web . The lrb will announced the OJAS Police Constable Result 2016 with Cut off Marks Online . Now all the candidates can Check their Gujarat Police Constable Result 2016 name wise and Roll no. wise through pdf file .
Gujarat Police Result 2016 Merit List download at ojas.gujarat.gov.in.
Final selection of best candidates will be done by Written Test, Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Test. The first phase of selection mode is completed successfully by officials. Only successfully candidates will get chance to re appear in the next round. Lok rakshak and Jail Sipahi Exam Results 2016 can only be checked from the official web Page. Here below are some updates of this recruitment 2016 which are needed to check.
Gujarat Police Bharti Result 2016 for below mentioned Posts:
1 Gujarat Lokrakshak(Unarmed) Male Result 2016– 7571 ,Female- 3929
2 Gujarat Lokrakshak(Armed) Male Result 2016 – 1139,Female- 561
3 Gujarat S.R.P Constable Result 2016 :Male- 3780,Female – NIL-
4 Gujarat Jail Sipahi Result 2016 :Male- 700, female- 52
Total Post :Male -13190, Female- 4542 = Total:17532
Gujarat Police Constable Result 2016
Organization Name: Lokrakshak Bharti Board
Exam name / Posts -Unarmed/ Armed Constable Lok rakshak, SRP Constable and Jail Sipahi
Exam Date : 23-10-2016
Advt. No. : LRB/201718/1
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