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Monday, 6 August 2018

600 one liner Anamika academy PDF Material

600 one liner Anamika academy PDF Material

Some foreign bonds are nicknamed: foreignbonds sold in the UK are often called “Bulldogs,” while foreign bonds sold in Japan are called ‘Samurai.”: The market in which foreign exchange is traded, foreign exchange management isimplemented and foreign exchange rates are set.The market where contracts are traded to buy or sell an amount of a commodity for a specific price at aspecific point in the future.: The application of technology to health-care is a key to improving quality of life. Health programsdraw on the benefits of access, used to capture and disseminate information, for example in the monitoring of diseasesand their treatment, and the dissemination of disease prevention information. IT in health-care brings medical knowledgeto remote and poor areas.

a source of medium and long-term funds for borrowers, which include corporations(multinational and domestic), sovereign governments, intergovernmental organizations and financial institutions.International Bond Market consists of Eurobonds and Foreign Bonds.for Equity is a market that consists of shares in foreign equity.producingthe right part in the right place at the right time. Just-in-time inventory is the minimum inventory necessary to keep asystem running. Technology plays an important role in helping facilitate Just in Time Inventory by facilitating the transfer ofinformation.

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