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Tuesday, 24 July 2018

In Government primary schools of Gujarat, 7.94 lakh students are weak in the study

In Government primary schools of Gujarat, 7.94 lakh students are weak in the study

Maranews Network, Gandhinagar: Of the21,68,214 students studying in government schools in the state of Gujarat , a total of 7,93,957 ie 36.62 percent of the students are weak. It is poor in mathematics with 10%, 2,14,161 students reading, 13% or 2,87,192 students, and the highest of 14%, 2,96,404 students in mathematics.

Special classes have been started in the name of 'Mission Vidya' for the weak students studying in class 6 to 8 in the Government schools of Gujarat by the State Education Department. This academic work, which will be considered "dear" to weak students, will last from 23 July to 31 August ie till the month of Sava. Special knowledge will be provided by teachers to teachers, one hour before the school commencement and two hours of such school time during school hours. The government has undertaken special class projects by showing seriousness due to the inadequacy shown by the school, given special attention to these weak students. The entire process will be supervised by GCERT (Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training) and SSA (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan).

In this 'Mission Vidya', the maximum number of 1,30,846 students in Ahmedabad district is 11,170 Reading, 15328 written and 11,606 are poor in Mathematics.

In Vadodara district, 10,268 readings of 71,858 students, 13,451 written and 12,087 are poor in Mathematics. When Surat district has 1,02,246 students, 9208 reading, 13022 writing and 13756 are poor in mathematics. Chief Minister's Rajkot district has 64,852 students out of which 7868 readings, 10390 and 10821 are poor in mathematics. When the state's capital Gandhinagar district has 6886 readings, 9593 writing and 11,331 maths, of 52,865 students. Apart from this, Bhavnagar district has 1,0879 readings, 1,408 written by 99641 students and 15,427 in mathematics in the state.
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