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Sunday, 28 January 2018

Rashan card mathi nam kami karvva mate (fakt gujarat mate)

Rashan card mathi nam kami karvva mate (fakt gujarat mate)

Types of Ration Cards

The following types of ration cards are issued in the state:

Annpurna Card: Annpurna Cards are issued to persons above the age of 65, have none to support and are not getting old age pension.

Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY) Cards: Antyodaya Anna Yojana Cards are issued to poorest of the poor families living in rural areas and urban slums.

Below the Poverty Line (BPL) Cards: BPL Cards are issued to poor families living in rural areas and urban slums.

APL Cards: Above the poverty line (APL) cards issued to above poverty line families.

Note: All Cards are only for food grain.

Commodities Covered

At present, commodities covered under the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) are rice, wheat, sugar and kerosene. Commodities supplied at the fair price depots shall be as per the norms prescribed under the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act and Rules.

Rice and wheat are supplied to BPL/AAY families at subsidised prices. After meeting the committed entitlement of the BPL/AAY cardholders and depending upon the availability of rice and wheat, APL Card holder will be sold rice and wheat at the scale and rates fixed from time to time.

Only BPL/AAY families are entitled to get sugar under the TPDS. APL families are not entitled to get sugar.

Kerosene is issued to ration cardholder subject to fulfillment of certain restrictions imposed by the State Government.

All the card holders will be issued other essential commodities under the Public Distribution System as decided from time to time by the state government at the scale and rates fixed by the government.


Persons having no ration cards: In this case, the individual must produce a certificate from the Panchayat Pradhan / Nigam Parshad / Halka Kramchari (Revenue Kramchari) / Panchayat Sewak / Tax Collector the concerned authority in writing, that the person has no ration card. Such a certificate will normally be granted after the person files an affidavit to this effect to the issuing authority. This document is to be attached along with the ration card application form.

Duplicate Ration Card: In case the ration card is lost or becomes defaced, mutilated, and illegible or otherwise rendered useless, for no fault of the holder of the ration card, the competent authority can issue a duplicate ration card.

Persons having ration cards at the previous place: This is applicable in the case of Government officials or other persons who are transferred from one place to another. In this case, the Surrender Certificate is required from the District and Block Level Supply officer of the place where the person was residing previously. This document is to be attached along with the ration card application form.

After marriage, if the entry is to be made in the ration card: In this case also, Surrender certificate is required from the previous place of residence, issued by the District and Block level Supply officer. This document is to be attached along with the ration card application form and ration card.

In case of birth of a child: For the addition to be made in the ration card , the birth certificate of the child is required, along with the ration card in which the addition has to be made and the application neatly handwritten or typed on a plain paper addressed to the District and Block level Supply officer.

Concerned Authority

The application for obtaining a ration card should be made to the Panchayat Pradhan/ Nigam Parsad / Halka Kramchari / Panchayat Sewak / Tax Collector. Block Supply officer in rural areas, Assistance District supply officer / Marketing officer in Urban Slums and Rationing officer/ Marketing officer in Rationing areas.
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