Open petrol pump and earn Rs 10 lakh per month, Learn Process + Expenses
Open petrol pump and earn Rs 10 lakh per month, Learn Process + Expenses
Utility Desk: On a liter of 1 liter petrol, it is estimated to be worth Rs 2-3 to Rs. Thus, if the sale of 4-5 thousand petrol liters a day, the earnings of one day will be 15 thousand rupees. Thus, on a liter of 1 liter two to two and a half rupees, every 4-5 thousand liter petrol-diesel sales can earn up to Rs 10 lakh per month.
Anyone can take dealerships of petrol pump. There is a determined process for this to be done. Today we are telling you about this. Paras Jain, Vice President of Federation of Madhya Pradesh Petrol – Dealer Association, says that the petrol pump dealership process has been made online now.
How can petrol pump be opened?
Oil companies open petrol pumps based on their own needs. It is also advertised in the paper where the company wants to open a petrol pump in the area. It mentions all the terms and conditions. Anyone completing these rules can apply online for dealership at the respective company’s website. Then the company’s officer inspects. Petroleum Ministry may put restrictions on opening petrol pump.
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