Teaching Mental Maths Tricks to Anyone and Everyone!
Learning to perform fast mental maths calculation will help you immensely irrespective of which field of life you deal with.Knowing these mental maths tricks will give you a positive edge over the others.Whether you are a student,aspiring engineer,statistician,scientist,school teacher or anyone else dealing with numbers,learning this quick mental tricks and techniques
(popularly known as Vedic Maths techniques) is always going to benefit you.
You must have heard of Shakuntala Devi-the lady who performed maths calculations faster than a Computer,you can do it too, just with a little bit of practice.
Here you can get Maths materials for upcoming Talati,junior clerk,mmphw,gram sevak & psi exams.
TOday's subject:- TRiangle (Trikon)
MAths useful material for all competitive exams
Todays file about Triangle
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