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Sunday, 25 October 2020

Not Amuel, Virtual Garba: An online rasotsav of folk singers including Kinjal Dave from Kirtidan, 80 teachers in Vadodara will make 1800 school children do Garba at home.

Not Amuel, Virtual Garba: An online rasotsav of folk singers including Kinjal Dave from Kirtidan, 80 teachers in Vadodara will make 1800 school children do Garba at home.

Not Amuel, Virtual Garba: An online rasotsav of folk singers including Kinjal Dave from Kirtidan, 80 teachers in Vadodara will make 1800 school children do Garba at home.

Amidst the Corona epidemic, the festival of Shakti Aradhana Navratri has started from today.  The government has imposed a complete ban on Garba this year to prevent the spread of Koro.  With the establishment of Mataji at home, the players will play garba wearing traditional dress.  This year, singers from Kirtidan Gadhvi to Kinjal Dave will be seen singing Garba online.  They will do Garba Live through YouTube and Instagram.  However, Kinjal Dave will sing Garba live on the 8th North.  While running a music group, Dr. Vadodara.  Tushar Bhonsle will make 800 children of Prince Ashokraj Gaekwad School do individual online garba, in which about 80 teachers will teach online.  The children will get ready at home and play individual garba.

I am coming to see and play Garba at home: Kinjal Dave Kinjal Dave posted on Facebook about Navratri celebration saying that Jai Mataji, friends, we will not be able to meet face to face this time like every time for Aso Sud Navali Navratri, so you  I am coming to perform on wynkstage on October 24 at 7:00 pm for Mataji's eighth so that you can watch and play Garba at home.

We are not going to any program as per government rule: Hemant Chauhan Well known bhajanist Hemant Chauhan said that no online garba has been booked so far.  According to the government's rule, we are not going anywhere, big or small, because if there are more people in the program, then we are going to stay at home, we are not going anywhere.

Ahmedabad Aditya Gadhvi, Kairavi Butch, Gaman Santhal, Rajal Barot, Geeta Rabari will make a splash on Kirtidan's YouTube channel.  From Geeta Rabari to Aditya Gadhvi and Osman Mir Ramzat will be called on Kirtidan's YouTube channel.  Artists including Sagardan Gadhvi, Rashmitaben Rabari, Dev Bhatt, Sohil Bloch will be seen speaking Ramzat on Kirtidan's YouTube channel and private news channels.

From Geeta Rabari to Aditya Gadhvi and Osman Mir Ramzat will be called on Kirtidan's YouTube channel.  Artists including Sagardan Gadhvi, Rashmitaben Rabari, Dev Bhatt, Sohil Bloch will be seen speaking Ramzat on Kirtidan's YouTube channel and private news channels.

Not Amuel, Virtual Garba: An online rasotsav of folk singers including Kinjal Dave from Kirtidan, 80 teachers in Vadodara will make 1800 school children do Garba at home.

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Tuesday, 6 October 2020




National Secondary Education Campaign  supplementary literature STD 12th

The objective of the National Secondary Education Campaign (RSMA) is to expand and improve the standards of secondary education - Classes 9 to 10. National Secondary Education Campaign by specifying a secondary school (up to class 10) within an area of ​​5 km for each adjoining country. Will also take secondary education to the corner. The National Secondary Education Campaign (RMSA) is the latest initiative of the Government of India to achieve the goal of Universalization of Secondary Education (USE).
The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was set up by the government to bring elementary education to millions of children which has been hugely successful and hence the need to strengthen the structure of secondary education across the country. The campaign (RMSA) is also said to have launched plans to implement it at a total cost of Rs.20,120 crore during the 12th Plan.

Std. Matter of providing supplementary literature (exemplar) for students from 9th to 12th.

According to the above subject, due to the current Koro epidemic, it is not possible to start educational work by calling students in schools. Therefore, students are being imparted home based education through various mediums under home learning program.

In the current situation, if students are given supplementary literature along with the textbook, students can stay at home and practice more. Soft copy of supplementary literature (Exemplar) of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics subject in Std-9 and 10 Mathematics-Science subjects and Std-11 and 12 Science streams prepared by Gujarat State School Textbook Board, Gandhinagar for this purpose. In PDF format which is sent by the office here on the first Saturday of every month as per the syllabus of that month. The research is accompanied by a soft copy (PDF) of the October Supplementary Literature (Example) attached.

Through teachers Std. 9 and 10 and Std. 11 and 12 (science stream) students are asked to deliver. Students are asked to make necessary arrangements at your level to ensure proper guidance on the use of this literature.

Responsibility for the expansion of public and distance learning will be undertaken, especially for those who cannot pursue full-time secondary education and for the addition / growth of oral instruction. The system will also play an important role in the education of out-of-school children.

Institutional reforms and strengthening of resource institutions

1. To make necessary administrative reforms in each state will be a pre-requisite for central assistance. These include institutional reforms.

2. School Management Improvements - Improves the performance of schools by decentralizing their management and accountability

3. Adoption of equitable policy of teacher recruitment, employment, training, compensation and career development

4. Responsibility for reforms in educational administration including modernization / management and representation / decentralization

5. Provision of necessary business and educational advancements in the secondary education system at all levels, i.e., above the school level; And

6. Simplify financial processes for rapid flow of funds and their optimal utilization

7. Necessary strengthening of resource institutions at various levels, e.g.

8. At the national level, NCERT (Included RIEs), NUEPA and NIOS

9. SCERTs at state level, state public schools, SIEMATs, etc., and

Goal and purpose::

To meet the challenges of universalisation of secondary education (USE), there is a need for exemplary migration in the imaginary framework of secondary education. There are guiding principles in this regard; Universal access, equality and social justice, relevance and development and curriculum related and structural aspects. Universalization of secondary education provides opportunities to move towards equality. The concept of 'public school' will be promoted. If these values ​​are established in the system, Schools, including those of unsupported private schools, will contribute to the universalization of secondary education (USE) by ensuring adequate enrollment for children from disadvantaged and below poverty line (BPL) families.

Main objectives::

Ensuring that all secondary schools such as government / local bodies and government aided schools and other schools have physical facilities, staff and supplies as per minimum standards through financial support in appropriate regulatory procedures.
Proximity based on local conditions involving public education (i.e., secondary schools within 5 km and higher secondary schools within 7-10 km) / Secondary for all young persons as per standards through efficient and safe transport managements / housing facilities To improve access to education. However, these standards may be relaxed in mountainous and difficult areas. In particular, residential schools may be established in such areas.


To ensure that no child is deprived of satisfactory quality secondary education due to gender, socio-economic disabilities and other barriers

To improve the quality of secondary education resulting in the attainment of advanced intellectual, social and cultural learning

To ensure that all children pursuing secondary education get a good quality education

Achieving the above objectives will also describe the real progress towards public school system in other

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National Secondary Education Campaign  supplementary literature STD 11h

The objective of the National Secondary Education Campaign (RSMA) is to expand and improve the standards of secondary education - Classes 9 to 10. National Secondary Education Campaign by specifying a secondary school (up to class 10) within an area of ​​5 km for each adjoining country. Will also take secondary education to the corner. The National Secondary Education Campaign (RMSA) is the latest initiative of the Government of India to achieve the goal of Universalization of Secondary Education (USE).

The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was set up by the government to bring elementary education to millions of children which has been hugely successful and hence the need to strengthen the structure of secondary education across the country. The campaign (RMSA) is also said to have launched plans to implement it at a total cost of Rs.20,120 crore during the 11th Plan.

Std. Matter of providing supplementary literature (exemplar) for students from 9th to 12th.

According to the above subject, due to the current Koro epidemic, it is not possible to start educational work by calling students in schools. Therefore, students are being imparted home based education through various mediums under home learning program.

In the current situation, if students are given supplementary literature along with the textbook, students can stay at home and practice more. Soft copy of supplementary literature (Exemplar) of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics subject in Std-9 and 10 Mathematics-Science subjects and Std-11 and 12 Science streams prepared by Gujarat State School Textbook Board, Gandhinagar for this purpose. In PDF format which is sent by the office here on the first Saturday of every month as per the syllabus of that month. The research is accompanied by a soft copy (PDF) of the October Supplementary Literature (Example) attached.

Through teachers Std. 9 and 10 and Std. 11 and 12 (science stream) students are asked to deliver. Students are asked to make necessary arrangements at your level to ensure proper guidance on the use of this literature.
Responsibility for the expansion of public and distance learning will be undertaken, especially for those who cannot pursue full-time secondary education and for the addition / growth of oral instruction. The system will also play an important role in the education of out-of-school children.

Institutional reforms and strengthening of resource institutions

1. To make necessary administrative reforms in each state will be a pre-requisite for central assistance. These include institutional reforms.

2. School Management Improvements - Improves the performance of schools by decentralizing their management and accountability

3. Adoption of equitable policy of teacher recruitment, employment, training, compensation and career development

4. Responsibility for reforms in educational administration including modernization / management and representation / decentralization

5. Provision of necessary business and educational advancements in the secondary education system at all levels, i.e., above the school level; And

6. Simplify financial processes for rapid flow of funds and their optimal utilization

7. Necessary strengthening of resource institutions at various levels, e.g.

8. At the national level, NCERT (Included RIEs), NUEPA and NIOS

9. SCERTs at state level, state public schools, SIEMATs, etc., and

10. Under the centrally-sponsored scheme of teacher education, university departments of permanent education, reputed institutes on science / social sciences / humanities, and colleges of teacher education (CTEs) / institutes of progressive studies in education (IASEs)

Inclusion of Panchayat Raj

The involvement of Panchayat Raj and Municipal Boards in the management of secondary education, community, teachers, elders and other partners in the management of secondary education will be ensured in the planning process, implementation, monitoring and evaluation through bodies like school management committees and elder-teacher associations.

The government operates four centrally sponsored schemes

The Central Government implements four Centrally Sponsored Schemes

(i) ICT  To provide assistance to state governments for computer education and computer aided education in schools, secondary and higher secondary schools.
(ii) Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IEDC) to assist State Governments and NGOs in primarily segregating children with disabilities in school education. 


(iii) strengthening food and hostel facilities for female students of secondary and higher secondary schools (admission and fairness) to provide support to NGOs for running girls hostels in rural areas, and Quality Improvement in Schools which includes provision of assistance to State Governments for introduction of Yoga in schools, improvement of science education in schools, environmental education and population education to support International Science Olympiads. All these schemes, in current or modified forms, New schemes will be implemented.

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National Secondary Education Campaign supplementary literature STD 10th

The objective of the National Secondary Education Campaign (RSMA) is to expand and improve the standards of secondary education - Classes 9 to 10. National Secondary Education Campaign by specifying a secondary school (up to class 10) within an area of ​​5 km for each adjoining country. Will also take secondary education to the corner. The National Secondary Education Campaign (RMSA) is the latest initiative of the Government of India to achieve the goal of Universalization of Secondary Education.

The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was set up by the government to bring elementary education to millions of children which has been hugely successful and hence the need to strengthen the structure of secondary education across the country. The campaign (RMSA) is also said to have launched plans to implement it at a total cost of Rs.20,120 crore during the 11th Plan.

Std. Matter of providing supplementary literature (exemplar) for students from 9th to 12th.

According to the above subject, due to the current Koro epidemic, it is not possible to start educational work by calling students in schools. Therefore, students are being imparted home based education through various mediums under home learning program.

In the current situation, if students are given supplementary literature along with the textbook, students can stay at home and practice more. Soft copy of supplementary literature (Exemplar) of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics subject in Std-9 and 10 Mathematics-Science subjects and Std-11 and 12 Science streams prepared by Gujarat State School Textbook Board, Gandhinagar for this purpose. In PDF format which is sent by the office here on the first Saturday of every month as per the syllabus of that month. The research is accompanied by a soft copy (PDF) of the October Supplementary Literature (Example) attached.

Through teachers Std. 9 and 10 and Std. 11 and 12 (science stream) students are asked to deliver. Students are asked to make necessary arrangements at your level to ensure proper guidance on the use of this literature.

Initiation of new secondary schools / higher secondary schools in supply areas on the basis of school depiction experiment. All these buildings will have mandatory water harvesting system and will be made environmentally friendly.

• Rain harvesting systems will also be installed in existing school buildings

• Existing school buildings will also be made environmentally friendly

• New schools will also be set up in PPP style


Provide necessary infrastructure like black board, furniture, libraries, science and mathematical laboratories, computer labs, toilet set

Appointment of additional teachers and on-the-job training of teachers

Bridged curriculum to develop learning ability for students who have passed Class VIII

Review course to meet NCF, 2005 standards

Accommodation for teachers in rural and difficult mountainous areas

Accommodation for female teachers will be given priority



Free accommodation / meals for students from SC, ST, OBC and minority communities

Hostels / residential schools for babies, cash incentives, uniforms, books, separate toilets

Providing scholarships to well-endowed / needy students at secondary level

Inclusive education will be the hallmark of all activities. Efforts will be made to provide all the necessary facilities for specially able children in all schools.

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National Secondary Education Campaign  supplementary literature STD 9th

The objective of the National Secondary Education Campaign (RSMA) is to expand and improve the standards of secondary education - Classes 9 to 10. National Secondary Education Campaign by specifying a secondary school (up to class 10) within an area of ​​5 km for each adjoining country. Will also take secondary education to the corner. The National Secondary Education Campaign (RMSA) is the latest initiative of the Government of India to achieve the goal of Universalization of Secondary Education (USE).
The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was set up by the government to bring elementary education to millions of children which has been hugely successful and hence the need to strengthen the structure of secondary education across the country. The campaign (RMSA) is also said to have launched plans to implement it at a total cost of Rs.20,120 crore during the 11th Plan.

The goal

The goal for secondary education is to make good quality education available, accessible and accessible to all young people between the ages of 14-18. With this goal in mind, the following should be achieved:

To provide secondary education within a reasonable distance of any residence, which should be 5 kilometers for secondary schools and 7-10 kilometers for higher secondary schools.

Ensuring universal access to secondary education from 2017 (100% GER), and Universal stabilization from 2020

To provide access to secondary education with special references to economically weaker sections of the society, educationally backward, rural population and disabled children and other marginalized groups such as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and Educationally Backward Minorities (EBMs).

Goal and purpose

To meet the challenges of universalisation of secondary education (USE), there is a need for exemplary migration in the imaginary framework of secondary education. There are guiding principles in this regard; Universal access, equality and social justice, relevance and development and curriculum related and structural aspects. Universalization of secondary education provides opportunities to move towards equality. The concept of 'public school' will be promoted. If these values ​​are established in the system, Schools, including those of unsupported private schools, will contribute to the universalization of secondary education (USE) by ensuring adequate enrollment for children from disadvantaged and below poverty line (BPL) families.

Main objectives::

Ensuring that all secondary schools such as government / local bodies and government aided schools and other schools have physical facilities, staff and supplies as per minimum standards through financial support in appropriate regulatory procedures.

Proximity based on local conditions involving public education (i.e., secondary schools within 5 km and higher secondary schools within 7-10 km) / Secondary for all young persons as per standards through efficient and safe transport managements / housing facilities To improve access to education. However, these standards may be relaxed in mountainous and difficult areas. In particular, residential schools may be established in such areas.

To ensure that no child is deprived of satisfactory quality secondary education due to gender, socio-economic disabilities and other barriers

To improve the quality of secondary education resulting in the attainment of advanced intellectual, social and cultural learning

To ensure that all children pursuing secondary education get a good quality education

Achieving the above objectives will also describe the real progress towards public school system in other subjects.

Approaches and strategies for the secondary phase

In the context of the universalization of secondary education (USE), large-scale admissions in the form of additional schools, additional classrooms, teachers, and other facilities must be provided to meet the challenges of numbers, reliability, and quality. , Educational initiatives and effective monitoring of program implementation are required. Initially the scheme will cover up to class 10. Gradually, the higher secondary level will also be taken up, especially within two years of implementation. The strategy for universal access to secondary education and improving its quality is as follows:


There are wide disparities in education facilities in different parts of the country. There are disparities between private schools and between private and government schools. / Provision may be made for each State / Central Government keeping in view the geometrical, socio-cultural, linguistic and demographic status of the region where the Union Government is not sufficient but also where necessary. .

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22 services were made online of The rural people of Gujarat

22 services were made online of The rural people of Gujarat

22 services were made online of The rural people of Gujarat

The rural people of Gujarat do not have to go to government offices frequently, 22 services were made online

An affidavit regarding this service can be made to Talati. You no longer need to go to a notary for that. The state government has decided to give Talati the power of affidavit for these services

The Gujarat government is going to launch a digital service bridge in the program. The aim is to simplify government work in this direction. Digital service bridge program will be started in 2700 villages out of 3500 villages of Gujarat and in 167 talukas. The service, which will start on October 8, will cover 8000 villages by December and will make 22 services digitally available. These 22 services include ration card, widow certificate, proof of temporary residence, proof of income.
22 services were made online ::

Regarding this, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said that an affidavit regarding this service can be made to Talati. You no longer need to go to a notary for that. The state government has decided to give the power of affidavit to Talati for these services. 3500 villages are to be placed on this platform, though 2700 villages have been included due to by-election work. Gujarat will be the only and first state in India to provide such service. 14000 gram panchayats will be phased out. All gram panchayats will be covered by next year. This is a total project of Rs 2,000 crore, in which 90 per cent of the cost is borne by the central government, and 10 per cent by the state government.

At the time of making this announcement, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has claimed that the least corruption is in Gujarat. He said that while Gujarat has got a weapon like digital service bridge to reduce corruption, corruption will be reduced in the coming days.

In remote rural areas of the state, it has been decided to start an innovative experiment of digital service bridge in the state using modern technology so that the public interest services of various departments of the government are available from the village level to the gram panchayat itself. Rural citizens do not have to rush to the taluka-district headquarters for day-to-day services or certificates, for example, time and round-trip vehicle rental costs are saved as well as a variety of services at the primary stage with prices that do not go wrong. It has been decided to start in 2 thousand gram panchayats from next 5th October by covering Sevasetu. It is decided to cover more than 6000 gram panchayats in this digital service bridge by December 2020.

The most important thing in the digital service bridge is that connections will be provided through optical fiber network so that high speed internet of 100 MBPS is easily available in the villages of the state.

So far, 42 km panchayats of 27 districts have been covered by 31 km underground optical fiber network.

Not only that, every gram panchayat is connected to the state data center. Thus, the innovative concept of making the villages of Gujarat a mini secretariat has been adopted in this digital service bridge.

From now on, services like registration, enrollment or correction or getting duplicate ration card, income proof, senior citizen sample, criminal certificate, caste certificate only from the service center of gram panchayat service from gram panchayat office. You will get a nominal fee of Rs.


It has also made a radical decision that rural citizens do not have to go to the taluka level or town notary in the town for affidavits for such instances.

Powers will be given to the Gram Panchayat Talati cum Minister at the village level to affidavit the affidavit to be done as per the provisions of Section 3 of the Oaths Act, 1969. So that affidavits can be made available to the rural citizens from the village itself in the gram panchayat.

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Sunday, 4 October 2020

Army Public School Recruitment 2020 8000 PGT/ TGT/ PRT Posts Apply Online

Army Public School Recruitment 2020 8000 PGT/ TGT/ PRT Posts Apply Online

Army Public School Recruitment 2020 8000 PGT/ TGT/ PRT Posts Apply Online

Army Public School Recruitment 2020 8000 PGT/ TGT/ PRT Posts Apply Online

Name of the Post: Army Public School PGT/TGT/PRT Online Form 2020
All out Vacancy: 8000 (around)
Brief Information:
Army Public School has reported a for the enlistment of PGT/TGT/PRT opening. Those Candidates who are keen on the opening subtleties and finished all qualification measures can peruse the Notification and Apply Online.
Test Fee
Test Fee: Rs. 500/ -
Installment Mode (Online): Debit/Credit Cards/Net Banking
Instructive Qualification:
PGT - B.Ed and Post Graduation with least half stamps
TGT - B.Ed and Graduation with least half checks
PRT - B Ed/Two Year Diploma Graduation and Graduation with least half checks
Significant Dates:
Beginning Date for Apply Online: 01-10-2020
Last Date to Apply Online: 20-10-2020
Date for Availability of Admit Card: 04-11-2020 (Tentative will be educated in the wake of transferring)
Date for Exam: 21 and 22-11-2020
Distribution of Result: 02-12-2020 (Tentative)
Age Limit (as on 01-04-2021)
For Fresh Candidates: Below 40 Years (For the situation of Delhi schools the applicant ought to be in the age section according to DSEA&R)
For Experienced Candidates: Below 57 years (on account of Delhi according to DSEA&R)
Age unwinding is material according to rules.
Important Links
Apply Online Registration Login
Notification Click Here
Official Website Click Here
Determination Procedure for PGT/TGT/PRT Posts
Determination will be done based on the Online Screening Test, Interview, and Evaluation of Teaching Skills.

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Indian Navy 10+2 (B.Tech) Cadet Entry Scheme 2021

Indian Navy 10+2 (B.Tech) Cadet Entry Scheme 2021

 Indian Navy has published the recruitment notification for a four-year B.Tech degree course under the 10+2 (B.Tech) Cadet Entry Scheme 2021. You can find other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, and how to apply are given below. 

Indian Navy has published the recruitment notification for a four-year B.Tech degree course under the 10+2 (B.Tech) Cadet Entry Scheme 2021. Interested unmarried male candidates, who have appeared for JEE (Main) -2020 (for B.E./ B.Tech) exam, can apply for Indian Navy Recruitment 2020 on the official website from 06 October 2020. The last date for submitting Indian Navy 10+2 B.Tech Entry 2021 is 20 October 2020.

The selected candidates will be distributed among Education, Executive and Technical branches of Indian Navy on completion of their course at INA.

Job Details:
Exam Name: Indian Navy 10+2 (B.Tech) Cadet Entry Scheme 2021

Educational Qualification

Passed Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 Pattern) or its equivalent examinations from any Board with at least 70% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) and at least 50% marks in English (either in Class X or Class XII)

 આ પણ વાંચો:: ગુજરાત પોલીસ વિભાગમાં હાઉસિંગ કોર્પોરેશનમાં ભરતી 2020.

Candidates who have appeared for JEE (Main) -2020 (for B.E./ B.Tech) exam. Call up for Service Selection Board (SSB) will be issued on the basis of JEE (Main) - 2020 All India Rank published by NTA

Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.

Age Limit

Born between 02 Jul 2001 and 01 Jan 2004 (both dates inclusive).

Selection Process: 

The selection will be done on the basis of SSB Interview. SSB interviews for shortlisted candidates will be scheduled at Bangalore / Bhopal / Kolkata / Visakhapatnam from Nov – Jan 2020.

આ પણ વાંચો:: આર્મી પબ્લિક સ્કૂલ દ્વારા 8000 શિક્ષકો માટે ની ભરતી 2020.

SSB interview will be conducted in two stages. Stage I test consists of Intelligence test, Picture Perception and Group Discussion. Candidates who fail to qualify in Stage I will be routed back on the same day. Stage II test comprises Psychological testing, Group testing and Interview which will last for 04 days. Successful candidates will thereafter undergo Medical Examination (approx duration 03-05 working days).

How to Apply ?: 

Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through the official Website.

Important Dates:

Starting Date of Online Application: 06-10-2020

Last Date to Apply Online: 20-10-2020

Advertisement & Apply Online :  
Advertisement: Click Here
Apply Online: Click Here

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Saturday, 3 October 2020

GSPHC Recruitment for Assistant Engineer (Civil) Class - III Posts 2020 (OJAS)

GSPHC Recruitment for Assistant Engineer (Civil) Class - III Posts 2020 (OJAS)

 Gujarat State Police Housing Corporation Ltd. has published an Advertisement for the below-mentioned Posts. Eligible Candidates advised to refer to the official advertisement and apply this post. You can find other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, and how to apply are given below. 

Job Details:
Posts: Assistant Engineer (Civil) Class - III

Total No. of Posts: 11

Educational Qualification

First-class bachelor's degree in civil engineering from a recognised university with minimum 02 years experience.

Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.

Age Limit

Minimum 25 years, Maximum: 35 years as on 06-10-2020

Selection Process: 

Candidates will be selected based on an interview.

How to Apply ?: 

Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through the official Website.

Advertisement: Click Here

Notification: Click Here

Apply Online: Click Here

Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through the official Website.

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Avast Antivirus – Security, App Lock, Photo Vault

Avast Antivirus – Security, App Lock, Photo Vault

Avast Antivirus – Security, App Lock, Photo Vault

Avast Antivirus – Security, App Lock, Photo Vault

Ensure against infections and different kinds of malware with Avast Mobile Security, the world's most confided in free antivirus application for Android. 
Avast Antivirus – Security
Secure your protection by accepting cautions when spyware or adware-tainted applications are downloaded onto your gadget. Secure your gadget against phishing assaults from messages, calls, tainted sites, or SMS messages. Turn on the VPN to guard your web based perusing private and, just as to get to your preferred paid web-based features when voyaging abroad. 
With in excess of 100 million introduces, Avast Mobile Security and Antivirus gives significantly more than just antivirus assurance. Different highlights include: 
✔ Antivirus Engine 
✔ App Lock 
✔ Call Blocker (for Android 8.1 and more established) 
✔ Anti-Theft 
✔ Photo Vault 
✔ VPN (virtual private system) 
✔ Power Save 
✔ Privacy Permissions 
✔ Firewall (for established Android as it were) 
✔ RAM Boost 
✔ Junk Cleaner 
✔ Web Shield 
✔ Wi-Fi Security 
✔ App Insights 
✔ Virus Cleaner 
✔ Wi-Fi Speed Test 
What's going on 
VPN (Virtual Private Network) - Hide your online exercises and change your area to get to your preferred paid web-based features from anyplace. 
Presenting App Insights - Ever wonder what amount time you're squandering while at the same time taking a gander at your telephone each day? We've built up an answer for you, directly within your preferred security application. 
Avast Antivirus – Security, App Lock, Photo Vault
Premium highlights for cutting edge security: 
■ Camera Trap: Secretly catch photographs and sound of the criminal if your telephone gets taken. 
■ Last Known Location: Check your gadget's last area before its battery passed on. 

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My Name Ringtone Maker App

My Name Ringtone Maker App

My name ringtone maker app.

My name ringtone maker app provides the best free app to make name music ringtone your favorite caller tune.

You can make music ringtone using any custom name. Set it as your incoming call ringtone and free caller ringtone, which will be saved to you in MP3 music format.
How I make ringtone of my name?

આ પણ વાંચો:: તમારા સ્માર્ટફોનમાથી વાઇરસ દૂર કરવા માટે બેસ્ટ એપ

Are you boring with regular and default caller music ringtones, need a special music call ringtone maker with personalized voice text? Here it is my name ringtone maker. The free app will help you to create special music call ringtone with the fun custom text given.

You can download the My Name Ringtone Maker free app from the Play Store and make your own name custom ringtone.

આ પણ વાંચો:: હવે whatsapp માંથી તમે મોકલેલ જુના મેસેજ Delet Everyone આ ટ્રીકથી કરી શકશો

Name Ringtone Maker

Stage 1: Enter your name (Eg. Mr. John Smith or Dear Emma etc...)

Stage 2: Choose the instant message to cooperate with your name.

Stage 3: Choose music or audio cue to be played in the foundation when your telephone rings. Snap the 'Make Ringtone' button.

આ પણ વાંચો:: 1905 થી અત્યાર સુધીનું ભારતીય ચલણી નોટોનું સુપર કલેક્શન.

Simply click on the Play symbol of any ringtone which one you like then you can tap the Save symbol to download a duplicate of this ringtone or in the event that you need to utilize it as a foundation melody of your name ringtone then simply type your name and pick instant message and snap make button. your ringtone will be made.

Step by step instructions to set a custom warning sound in Settings

Open Settings.

Tap Sound. ...

Tap Default warning sound. ...

Select the custom warning sound you added to the Notifications envelope.

Tap Save or OK.

App Download Link::

Download APK(6.6 MB)


=> Enter your name to create your name various ringtone.

=> Can play for test.

=> Save your name ringtone and set as caller tune of your friends.

=> Change language to speak ringtone.

=> There are lot of man and women voice available to create my name caller tune ringtone.

=> Display show list of downloaded and created ringtones for your friends. Wishes You Best Of Luck. Please Everyday Keep visiting Our Website To Know Upcoming Latest Jobs, Admissions, Sarkari Yojana, Paripatra, Exam Results, Answer Keys, Syllabus And Many Other Gujarat Gov. Jobs & Goverment official information  Updates Instantly.keep visiting yash dodiya official website.Get All update notification plz subscribe via email. Thank You.

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Friday, 2 October 2020

Rural Industry Service Center for Khadi and Village Industries

Rural Industry Service Center for Khadi and Village Industries

Rural Industry Service Center for Khadi and Village Industries


About Rural Industry Service Center for Khadi and Village Industries

Khadi masks can now be bought at home, Khadi India has started selling masks online

Masks range in price from Rs 30 to Rs 100

The company has supplied 6 lakh masks

The customer has to place an order of at least Rs.500


To make khadi and village activities available in the group.

Provide services such as raw material support, skills development, training, quality control, testing facility, marketing promotion, design and product development to rural groups.

READ ALSO: : હવે પાનકાર્ડ download કરો તમારા મોબાઈલ જાણો સંપૂર્ણ રીત. 


The Rural Industry Service Center is a general facility aimed at providing traditional assistance and essential services to local units such as their own production capacity, skill development and market expansion.

The Rural Industry Service Center (RISC) should cover one of the following services.

Provide testing facility by established laboratories to ensure product quality.

To provide common good machinery / equipment that can be used by local groups / artists as a facility to add value to the product or increase production capacity.

To provide attractive and suitable packaging facility and machinery to local groups / artists for good marketing of their products.

Apart from the above facilities, RISC provides the following services

To provide training facility for enhancing the skills of the artists to increase the age.

In consultation with experts / agencies for value addition of rural manufacturing units, new designs or new products, product diversification should be made available.

To make seasonal raw materials available.

Functional agency

KVIC and state level KVIB

National level / state level Khadi and Gramodhog Sangh

Khadi and Gramodhog Institute recognized by KVIC and KVIB

Excluding KVIC's blacklist, NGOs have worked in the implementation of rural handicrafts development program in at least any of the three projects funded by the Ministry of State / Union Ministry, CAPART, NABARD and UN agencies.

Industries coming under RISC

Dress khadi and poly
Herbal products, cosmetics and medicines
Deficit oil
Detergent and soa
Handmade paper
Deficit processing
Bio-fertilizer / Bio-pesticide / Bio-deficit
Leather industry

All village industries except the blacklisted industries

Terms and context

The committee will evaluate the implementation capacity of the institute

The committee will examine the commercial and technical feasibility of the project

Control and evaluation of program execution in Rural Industry Service Center.

Technical feasibility

The feasibility of the project can be studied through the technical interface of KVIC / College of Engineering / College of Agriculture, University / Polytechnic. The cost of this study can be added to the pre-implementation cost or it can be done by an expert who has sufficient technical knowledge.



Grant method

Once the project up to Rs. 25 lakhs is approved by the State Level Evaluation Committee, it is forwarded by the State Director to the concerned Program Director at the Headquarters. If the case is kept before SFC Khadi or Gramodhog for final approval.

Grant Allocation

The amount sanctioned for the project will be given to the beneficiary organization in three parts and this will be done after the organization has spent its participation.

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1923 Gujarati First Standard Text book : must Download

1923 Gujarati First Standard Text book : must Download

Instructors are extraordinary wellsprings of information, thriving and edification to which anybody can be profited for entire life. They fill in as the genuine light in everybody's life as they help understudies to make their courses in the life. They are the God talented individuals throughout everybody's life who lead us towards progress with no self-centeredness. Truly, we can call them as manufacturers of the amazing fate of our country through training. 

An instructor is a decent individual who assumes significant liability of taking care of business the lives of youthful ones and susceptible kids. They get incredible inclination, pride and genuine satisfaction in their life by showing their understudies on the correct way. They never do any sort of inclination between fortunate or unfortunate understudies rather they generally attempt to welcome awful one on the correct way through their bunches of endeavors. A decent instructor is somebody who consumed their entire time on earth in giving quality training to their understudies. They push all the understudies to put forth a valiant effort. They make learning measure intriguing just as innovative. Educators make an honest effort to welcome all the understudies destined for success by inspiration them decidedly towards study. Great instructors have great effect over their understudies.

They furnish understudies with heaps of information, abilities and uplifting mentalities so understudies can never feel lost and proceed. They help understudies to get secure with their objectives of instruction through clear vision and thoughts. Without educators in the existence one can't develop intellectually, socially and mentally. 

They push all the understudies to give a valiant effort. They make learning measure fascinating just as imaginative. Instructors make an honest effort to welcome all the understudies destined for success by inspiration them emphatically towards study. Great instructors have great effect over their understudies. 

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A wonderful collection of Indian currency notes

A wonderful collection of Indian currency notes

A wonderful collection of Indian currency notes

Wonderful collection of currency notes::

in South Asia. It is the second-most crowded nation, the seventh-biggest nation via land zone, and the most crowded popular government on the planet. Limited by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the southwest, and the Bay of Bengal on the southeast, it shares land outskirts with Pakistan toward the west;[f] China, Nepal, and Bhutan toward the north; and Bangladesh and Myanmar toward the east. In the Indian Ocean, India is in the region of Sri Lanka and the Maldives; its Andaman and Nicobar Islands share a sea outskirt with Thailand and Indonesia.

Developing business sector stocks established their greatest week in over eight years as they saw tight U.S.- China strains and fights in the U.S. to zero in on the rear of the financial lockdown. The normal U.S. The activity information fortified the recently discovered idealism on monetary development. Creating country monetary standards posted their greatest week by week advance since March 2016.

The indian ruppis the official money of India. The rupee is separated into 100 paise (particular: paisa), in spite of the fact that by 2019, the 1 rupee arrangement has the most minimal incentive being used. The issue of money is constrained by the Reserve Bank of India. The Reserve Bank deals with the money in India and gains its part in cash the executives under the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.

In 2010, another rupee image was formally embraced. This was planned by DD Uday Kumar. It is gotten from the Devanagari consonant and the action word of the Latin capital letter . The equal lines at the top (with blank areas between them) initiate the Indian banner of the tricolor and furthermore give an indication of correspondence that represents the nation's longing to diminish monetary disparity. The main arrangement of coins with the new rupee sign began coursing from July-July, 2011. Prior, India utilized and "Beam" as images of numerous rupees and one rupee separately.

On November 8, 2016, the Government of India proclaimed the prohibition on 500 and ₹ 1000 notes nullified from 12 PM onwards. Notwithstanding the new red 500 note, a progression of new igned 500 notes has been available for use since November 10, 2016. The 1,000 note has been suspended.

On 25th August 2017, another નો 200 note was added to the Indian cash structure to fill the hole of notes because of appeal for this note after note. 

Utilization of overall rupee 

The Straits Settlements was initially the station of British Malay Archipelago Company. In 187, the Indian rupee was made the main authority money inside the Straits Settlements since it was worked as a piece of British India. The move was contradicted by local people. Nonetheless, the Spanish dollar kept on circling and 1845 presented a coin for the Straits Settlements utilizing an arrangement of 100 pennies = 1 dollar, during which the dollar was sufficient to the Spanish dollar or the Mexican peso . In 1867, the organization of the Straits Settlements was isolated from India and hence the Straits dollar was made the quality cash, and endeavors to once again introduce the rupee were in the long run deserted.. 

The Government of India presented the Gulf Rupee - additionally alluded to as the Persian Gulf Rupee - supplanting the Indian rupee with the Federal Reserve Bank of India Act of 1 May 1959 for course outside the nation. The arrangement to make a different money was proportional back the strain on India's unfamiliar stores through gold sneaking. After India degraded the rupee on June 6, 1966, those nations actually use it - Oman, Qatar and consequently the True States traded the Gulf rupee for their own money. Kuwait and Bahrain have just done as such with the Kuwaiti dinar in 1961 and along these lines the Bahraini dinar in 1965, separately.

important link::

કલેકશન જોવા માટે અહીં જાવો 

Assortment of Indian cash notes from 1905 to date in pdf format.This 88 page pdf contains photographs of all money notes. Investigate unequivocally

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E-Sanjivani OPD New Starting OF government of india

E-Sanjivani OPD New Starting OF government of india

E-Sanjivani OPD New Starting OF government of india

E-Sanjivani OPD New Starting OF government: District Development Officer (all) I am glad to illuminate you that as another activity by the Government of Gujarat, E-Sanjeev's OPD has begun from 24/9/2020. Going to do it each morning from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. E-Sanjeev's OPD can be gotten by anybody through authority call. Drugs endorsed by these masters can be gotten liberated from cost from any administration emergency clinic. Sanjeev's OPD application can be downloaded from Playstore in Android telephone. 

In this application, by enlisting as a patient, a symbolic comes. By composing the token, the ideal master can be reached legitimately and direction and treatment can be acquired. Free remedies are accessible by demonstrating this solution in any administration medical clinic. This plan is ending up being gainful for all people in general by which the expense caused by people in general in the meeting of cinnamon can be maintained a strategic distance from. Swarming in common clinics and other significant medical clinics can likewise be forestalled. 

E-Sanjivani OPD New Starting OF government 
eSanjeevaniOPD – National Teleconsultation Service: 
E-Sanjivani OPD New Starting

Key highlights of this resident amicable online National Teleconsultation Service (eSanjeevaniOPD) are: 

Understanding enlistment 

Relative enrollment 

Institutional enrollment (like remedial offices, Sr. Resident Homes, Orphanages and so on.) 

Line Management 

Video Consultation with a Doctor 

Texting (text-based) 


SMS Notifications 

Adjusted by Doctors utilized 

Free Service (oversaw mutually by State Governments and MoHFW, Govt. of India) 

eSanjeevaniOPD-Stay Home OPD has been created by the Center for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) in Mohali.E-Sanjivani OPD is likewise useful for all. 

Striking highlights of this resident well disposed electronic National Teleconsultation Service (eSanjeevaniOPD) is a configurable on the web (no. of every day openings, no. of specialists and OPDs/Specialty facilities, sitting area spaces, discussion time limit, and so on). 


- User checks his/her versatile no. utilizing OTP 

- Fills Patient Registration Form 

- eSanjeevaniOPD relegates a Patient ID 


- User demands a token for discussion 

- Uploads wellbeing records, assuming any 

- User gets Patient ID and Token through SMS 


- Closer to the turn eSanjeevaniOPD sends a SMS warning asking client to login 

- User signs in utilizing Patient ID 

- Patient enters the facility and is put toward the finish of the current line. On the off chance that there is no line you will be set at sequential no. 1 


- eSanjeevaniOPD allocates a specialist to the patient (time stretch relies upon the length of the line) 

- As the specialist is allocated to the patient "CALL NOW" button gets enacted 

- User is needed to click "CALL NOW" button inside 120 seconds* 

- Upon clicking "CALL NOW" inside 10 seconds the specialist appears in video 


- Patient counsels the specialist 

- During the conference specialist has an admittance to the patient's wellbeing records (whenever transferred) 


- During the conference, specialist readies an electronic solution (ePrescription) 

- At the finish of the conference specialist sends the ePrescription and shuts the call 

- ePrescription appears on patient's end. 

- Patient logs out subsequent to sparing/printing the got ePrescription 

એપ્લિકેશન માટે અહીં જાવો

That is ending up being a significant device for scourge avoidance in the current pandemic time of Korona. As this application is ending up being helpful from multiple points of view, our area/enterprise is approached to make game plans to educate the most extreme number regarding individuals and exploit it. Ocean Health, Medical Fruits and Medical Education, Gandhinagar Copy Dispatch • Mission Director (NHM) • Additional Director (All … ) Chief District Health Officer (All ..). Telephone: (s) (08) 21 Fax: (05) 30 E-mail: collealthon

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Thursday, 1 October 2020

Dr. Android Mobile Issue And MAster apps for mobile android solution

Dr. Android Mobile Issue And MAster apps for mobile android solution

Dr. Android Mobile Issue And MAster apps for mobile android solution

Dr. Android Mobile Issue And MAster apps for mobile android solution:

 Discover Plenty of under-utilized features which can ease your life and make you smart user of your phone. Do you know you can share your internet via BLE, WiFi, USB with others - If you are out of battery you can charge it with other mobile - No internet use GMaps offline to find your location - Leave no history via using Incognito - and many more. 

Starting from automating daily tasks, approaches which reduces efforts, tricks which helps utilizing smart way in efficient manner, etc are shown in text & video format to understand in better way.

Not just a phone, learn using your Android device as real SMART phone. Best part is you can use this app in offline mode also

When there is any defect in the phone, take him to the service center. Here you also have to spend heavily. In such a situation, if you check yourself before giving a call in the service center, what is wrong with it, will save both your time and money. 

For this, you can take help of some applications. Also, while buying an old phone, you can also know with the help of these applications what are the problems in the phone. Next, we are giving you information of five such applications which will give you information about the problem available in the phone.

Also Check:

▼▼Dr. Android Mobile Issue And MAster apps for mobile android solution

▼▼આ રીતે તમારી આંખો નો ટેસ્ટ કરો તમારા મોબાઇલમા જ 

▼▼Google Maps Go - Directions, Traffic & Transit Apps From Google

1.Phone Doctor Plus - Phone Doctor Plus

With the help of this application, you can easily know what is the problem in the phone. Its specialty is that it will give you information about every part and component of the phone. Also, this app is capable of testing 30 hardware items and sensors. Apart from this, by using this you can check not only the problem of the phone but also the earphone and microphone and also know about the problem present in them. Android phone users can download the Phone Doctor Plus app for free from the Google Play Store..

2. Test Your Android - Test Your Android

If you are buying an old phone, then definitely use this app. Through this, you can know that there is some problem in the phone you are buying. In the Test Your Android application you can check not only the phone battery, screen or camera but also the sound, flash light, touch screen, microphone, wifi, GPS and almost all parts of the phone to see if there is any defect in them. The Test Your Android application is available for free download on the Google Play Store.

3. Phone Health Check and Test - TestM- Smartphone Condition Check & Quality Report Phone Health Check and Test

Using this application you can fully check your phone that there is a problem in its part. In this, you can get the complete information of the phone, including the phone's model number, brand, product, serial number, display, operating system, RAM, camera, screen, and internal storage. This application is also available for free downloading on the Google Play Store.

4. Phone Tester - Phone Tester

This application will help you to check the complete information of your phone, which includes hardware and software, besides the general information of the phone. Also, the guarantee of the phone and its manufacturing date, serial number, EMEI can also be checked. You can also know how old the phone is by using the phone tester. It is also available on the Google Play store with free downloading.

Phone Doctor Plus - Apk

5. Test My Android Phone - Test My Android Phone

If you want to check the hardware of your Android phone then you can use this application. In this, you will get the facility of GPS tester, Bluetooth tester, camera tester and sound tester. After which you can know if there is any problem in your phone. Consumers can download Test My Android phone from the Google Play Store for free.

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